Man Holding a phone showing a best hotel advertising campaigns

Best Hotel Advertising Campaigns: Top 5 Most Effective Tools

Standing Out in Hotel Advertising Campaigns

If you’re thinking about throwing a hotel advertising campaign, what platform do you have in mind? Are you thinking about social media or Google ads? Or are you considering the old way with newspapers and magazines? Throwing a hotel advertising campaign means you are not just raising awareness, but you have to capture attention and convert viewers into guests. The best hotel advertising campaigns don’t just happen—they’re a product of strategic planning, creativity, and a deep understanding of the target audience. This blog will explore the best advertising campaign that attracts more bookings and drives your hotel’s success.

Why Hotel Needs Impactful Hotel Advertising Campaigns

Hotel advertising campaigns are important for a hotel business’s success. They help build brand awareness, promote special offers, attract target audiences, and communicate value. By effectively promoting unique services and special offers, your campaigns can capture the attention of potential guests.

Building brand awareness is not just about being seen; it’s about being remembered. An impactful advertising strategy ensures that when people plan their travels, your hotel stands out as a top-of-mind choice due to its unique appeal and demonstrated value.

The next step is to understand your target audience. This is fundamental to creating successful hotel advertising campaigns. Personalized messages that resonate with specific demographic groups enhance engagement and drive conversions.

Whether families seek holiday packages or business travelers seek convenience, each ad must speak directly to their needs and desires. By focusing on the unique aspects of your hotel, such as luxury amenities, eco-friendly practices, or accessibility to major attractions, you can effectively communicate why your hotel is the perfect choice for them.

To learn more about why advertising campaigns are important, find out the best hotel advertising campaigns and the platform you can use to make an impactful campaign that delivers and creates more bookings for your hotel. 

Discover the 5 Best Hotel Advertising Campaigns

Here are the five best hotel advertising campaigns and the platforms you can use to create meaningful brand messages. Create a campaign that resonates with your audience and drives bookings.

Explore this informative infographic's top 5 hotel advertising campaigns tools.

Search Advertising (Google Ads)

Precise Targeting with Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful tool that offers precise targeting and flexible budgeting. It could be a key component of your hotel advertising campaign. You can precisely target audiences through keywords, demographics, location, and interests.

In addition, Google ads provide flexibility in budgeting with options like daily budgets, bidding strategies, and ad scheduling. By leveraging these features, your hotel can optimize your campaigns to reach the right audience at the right time. You can also maximize ROI and effectively achieve marketing objectives.

For example, look at IHG’s successful Google Ads campaigns. With the help of Google Hotel Ads, they witnessed a 53% increase in traffic, a 70% lift in bookings, and a 78% lift in revenue. 

Here are some pro tips on how to craft compelling ad copy:

  • Start with a Strong Headline: Start with a headline that grabs attention and clearly communicates your product or service’s value proposition.
  • Use Action Words: Incorporate action words and trigger emotions to compel users to click on your ads.
  • Highlight Unique Selling Points: Emphasize what sets your business apart from competitors and why users should choose you.
  • Include Relevant Keywords: Include relevant keywords in your ad copy to improve quality scores and relevance.
  • Utilize Ad Extensions: Ad extensions can provide additional information, such as call buttons, location details, and site links, to enhance the visibility of your ads.

Read more about Proven Hotel Guest Booking Process via Google Ads: How Quickly Do Guests Book?

Social Media Advertising

Engage with Potential Audience 

Social media platforms can be dynamic tools for crafting an effective advertising campaign. You can engage directly with your potential guests through targeted social media ads.

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow for detailed demographic targeting—from age and location to interests and behaviors. Look into Marriott’s “Travel Brilliantly” campaign, which utilized Instagram stories to showcase its innovative hotel services, leading to increased engagement and direct bookings. 

Tips for Social Media Advertising:

  • Engage Visually: Use high-quality images and videos to capture attention quickly.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Encourage guests to share their experiences and use this content in your campaigns.
  • Monitor and Respond: Actively manage your social media presence by responding to comments and messages to foster community and loyalty.

FREE RESOURCE: Social Media Plan Template for Hotel & Villa Businesses

Influencer Marketing

A man and a woman relaxing by the poolside, representing influencer marketing as one of the best hotel advertising campaigns tools.

Influence Better with Influencer

Influencers can increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. They have the audience to promote your hotel’s services and amenities. But remember, you have to choose the right influencer whose image aligns with your brand. 

A notable case is The Ritz-Carlton’s influencer marketing strategy, which involves partnering with travel influencers. Ritz tries to show its luxurious accommodations and exceptional service across various social media platforms.

Tips for Influencer Marketing:

  • Select Relevant Influencers: Choose influencers who resonate with your target audience and reflect your brand’s values.
  • Set Clear Goals and Expectations: Clearly define your expectations from the collaboration and set measurable goals.
  • Focus on Authenticity: Work with influencers who can create genuine and relatable content.

Video Advertising

Communicate Your Brand with Story

Another excellent tool for hotel advertising campaigns that creates interest is video ads. Video advertising can captivate potential customers by showing the unique experiences that a hotel offers.

Platforms like YouTube and Vimeo are excellent for longer, story-driven videos, while TikTok and Instagram Reels are ideal for shorter, engaging clips that might go viral.

For instance, the Hilton’s “Expect Better, Expect Hilton” campaign utilized video ads to communicate their guest-friendly services and booking incentives, significantly boosting direct bookings.

Tips for Video Advertising:

  • Tell a Story: Create a narrative around the guest experience that is inviting and memorable.
  • Focus on Quality: Invest in high production value to make your videos stand out.
  • Include a Call to Action: Always end your videos with a clear call to action, such as encouraging viewers to book directly for the best rates.
Hotel Video Marketing Ideas To Increase Bookings

Using a Niche Platform 

Despite the rise of digital media, print advertising remains valuable for reaching certain demographics, particularly in the luxury market segment. Doing an advertising campaign in magazines and newspapers can convey stability, prestige, and authenticity often associated with upscale hotels.

The Four Seasons has successfully utilized print ads in travel and luxury lifestyle magazines to target affluent travelers, highlighting their exclusive services and exceptional guest experiences.

Pro Tips for Print Advertising:

  • Target the Right Publications: Choose magazines and newspapers your target demographic will most likely read.
  • Design Matters: Invest in high-quality, visually appealing ad designs that capture the essence of your brand.
  • Combine with Digital: Use QR codes or URLs to bridge your print and digital campaigns, tracking the effectiveness of your print ads.


Effective and best hotel advertising campaigns are important for standing out in the competitive digital landscape. By skillfully using platforms like Google Ads, social media, influencer marketing, and print advertising, hotels can increase visibility, engage potential guests, and boost bookings. Success depends on understanding your audience, delivering compelling messages, and refining strategies to improve campaign performance. These efforts will help your hotel achieve marketing excellence and enhanced guest engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Advertising is a primary method for hotels to attract business. It encompasses various marketing strategies in which hotels pay to reach an audience across multiple channels, including digital, print, and broadcast platforms.

Various marketing channels encompass the hotel website and SEO, paid media, third-party listings, social media platforms, email marketing, guest loyalty programs, collateral materials, participation in tradeshows and events, partnerships, public relations efforts, and management of online reputation.

Ready to elevate your hotel’s success? Start crafting your standout advertising campaign with us today!

Harun Arrasyid has a Bachelor's degree in Travel and Tourism Industry and experience in marketing and communication. He worked for two years as a journalist and editor in the media industry, and have skills in copywriting, content writing, digital marketing, social media management, administration, and event project management. Harun is a driven and adaptable person who is looking to pursue a career in marketing, digital marketing, social media management, administration, or event project management.
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