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Email Marketing Subject Lines Everyone Will Click!

There are many different ways to think about creating slam dunk email marketing subject lines. We’ll go through 9 distinct types of effective email subject lines as well as provide some examples throughout the book. 

Do you have hundreds, thousands, or even more unread emails in your inbox right now? And that’s after just a little Gmail decluttering!

Every day, we receive thousands of emails (105 billion are sent each day!), but many of them are never read. People are bombarded with an unprecedented amount of data than ever before in history! However, we don’t have more time to ingest everything. Unless you have a kick-ass sockin’ subject line, the chances of your email being ignored are quite high — unless, of course, you’re rocking socks.

Your subject line is your first (and maybe only) impression on readers. In many ways, your email subject line is more significant than the body of your message. After all, a fantastic newsletter is pointless if it never reaches its subscribers.

You have a lot of options when it comes to coming up with a good subject line for your essay. There are many different ways to think about creating slam dunk email subject lines. We’ll go through 9 distinct types of effective email subject lines as well as provide some examples throughout the book. Because more people read translates into more online sales.

Quick View

Simple, No Nonsense Email Marketing Subject Lines

Minimalism has its advantages. – Users appreciate it when you’re clear and succinct in your subject lines, since time is always a scarcity.

According to an email subject line research conducted by MailChimp, short, descriptive subject lines perform better than cheesy lures. Some people might get defensive when told that humor and innovation should be set aside when it comes to creating excellent email subject lines, especially given the fact that many marketing specialists argue otherwise. It’s worth noting, though, that this quick method is only useful for notification emails.

The majority of these subject line examples are notifications or updates regarding a user’s social media activity, order status, and other similar topics. These emails have a clear aim, therefore their subject lines should be as well.

Funny Email Subject Lines

A light-hearted subject line will stick out against the rest of the dry, uninteresting emails. However, it is a sensitive issue – it thrives on exclusivity, which isn’t always desirable if you’re aiming to appeal to a wide audience. A well-timed joke, on the other hand, might get your email opened and you receive a lot of reputation points with people who share your sense of humor. 

Controversial/Shocking Email Subject Lines

Controversy (sometimes) sells, and it is almost always noticed. Using shock, contention, or offense in your subject lines requires extreme caution. You might receive opens, but you’ll lose consumers as a result. You must be certain of your audience’s preferences and perceptions in order to use this method effectively. It is a risk, but the reward can be significant if you simply gloss over the subject lines listed below. Not very likely, right?

Single-Word Subject Lines

Going ultra-minimalist with one-word subject lines is a good approach to make an impression. The Google Ads promotion tab is undergoing a major makeover, with Pinterest-style image-oriented design being used to display promotional emails. If this new format persists, photos will outstrip subject lines as the most important email element.

Email Subject Lines with Numbers & Lists

Many of the qualities that define a great blog post title are also applicable to an excellent email subject line. Our brains are naturally attracted to numbers, which is why including them in your subject line attracts attention. Lists are easier for our brains to process, and they generate interest, in addition to delivering the promise of a quick and enjoyable read.

The same reasons that one-word subject lines or unusual punctuation do – they are visually jarring – apply to numerals and list email subject lines

Personalized Subject Lines

Another approach to boost open rates is to include customization aspects in email subject lines. Personalization does not imply including a user’s name into the subject line; this has become so widespread that many users simply disregard them as spam. Instead, focus on local offers and language, or interest targeting. LivingSocial and Groupon are both veterans at this, with email subject lines that promote deals in your region.

In a larger sense, it’s critical to understand your target audience well enough to determine what language, style, and offers will be appealing to them.

Personalized Subject Lines

Questions & Other Punctuation in Email Subject Lines

Another approach to stand out from the emails is to include questions marks and unusual punctuation. Exclamation points may be useful, but because they are so prevalent in subject lines, they aren’t very powerful. Instead, try using some interesting symbols or loud punctuation to pique your readers’ attention.

Questions & Other Punctuation in Email Subject Lines

“Missing Out” & Other Scarcity Tactics in Subject Lines

We have an intense, built-in dread of being left behind, of missing out – it was formerly a survival mechanism, but it’s now just another email subject line to pique our interest and urge us to buy. A spam filter might be preventing you from receiving emails with subject lines threatening scarcity (limited time offer!) This language is also frequent technique on squeeze pages. Add scarcity words and you may be amazed at how your click rates change.

Mysterious Email Subject Lines

Readers may bite if given a taste of something fascinating. When creating those lures, keep the following general good email subject line best practices in mind.

Mysterious Email Subject Lines

Create Numerous Subject Lines

For every email, you should create 10 subject lines in the same manner as you would for every blog post. Then select the finest option.

Keep The Subject Line to a Maximum of 50 Characters

It’s typically preferable to keep subject lines under 50 characters. Subject lines with less than 50 characters have greater open and click-through rates than those with more than 50 characters. You run the danger of being excluded if you go over 50 character limit.


Alliteration is a wonderful device for attracting attention! Give it a go with some memorable email subject lines. The number of caps in the opening is not important. There are also no numerical differences between versions from language to country, so keep that in mind while you’re comparing releases. The same goes for covers: They don’t matter. As a result, there aren’t many more opens than caps. 

Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience and catering to them will likely result in the best email subject lines. This is a major restriction for almost all forms of online marketing, and while it might be more difficult in a restricted character field like a subject line, matching your audience’s interests and mannerisms is critical if you want good open rates.

Know Your Audience

What tone are you using?

The majority of effective email subject lines employ a conversationalist tone to attract readers. BuzzFeed and Upworthy, well-known for their super-successful clickbait headlines, take advantage of a casual, conversational tone.

Call to Action

It’s never a bad idea to utilize a call to action in your email subject line, whether it’s good or bad. While many opt-outs occur due to a lack of character space, call to actions may improve open rates.

Use phrases like “you” and “your” to talk directly and comfortably to readers. While name-calling is no longer fashionable, it’s still a good idea to utilize “you” and “your” words when writing directly and comfortably with your audience.

In the “From” field, put yourself. For business subject lines, keep your “from” section professional and consistent. It’s not this place to be a clown – with so many spam floods, customers want to know you’re a genuine and reliable source. 

You should always be A/B testing subject lines, even if you’re a non-profit organization. You should A/B test everything you can reach with your keyboardy fingers, including email subject lines.

Call to Action

Take Notice of The Preview

The email preview that comes after the subject line is a valuable asset, but many firms ignore it or allow it to become clogged with rubbish text.

Take Notice of The Preview

Hopefully, we’ve provided you with all of the information you need to create email subject lines that will pique your recipients’ interest. These email marketing recommendations should aid in improving open rates, but how can we keep those readers? For a comprehensive strategy, contact SATUVISION.

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